Google Romance

Currently listening: Nirvana - Heart-shaped Box

Ever been on a date and wondered “What on Earth am I doing with this person?” Or perhaps you wished there was a way that you could instantly find your perfect match, and then go on a date during which everything just went right?

Wish no more: Google Romance, a beta product currently incubating in Google Labs, uses cutting-edge personal search algorithms to help you find your soulmate, then sponsors your first Contextual Date with said soulmate-to-be in exchange for showing you highly relevant advertising that just might help Cupid’s arrow find its mark. Does it really work? Ask our internal beta testers — if you can find them, that is. Not a single one has shown up for work in days.

So why not give it a try yourself? You’ve got true love to gain, and only your faith in psychographic and contextual advertising software to lose.

Empfehlenswert ist auch ein kleiner Abstecher zur Google Romance-Tour. Endlich erfindet Google etwas nützliches : ) Hab’ mich auch schon angemeldet.

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